Pennsylvania Reduces Work Zone Crashes by 50% with Speed Cameras

The state of Pennsylvania launched a statewide work zone speed camera program on March 15, following a five-year pilot program on automated enforcement in work zones. The pilot program showed a 38% reduction in speeding, 47% reduction in excessive speeding, and 50% reduction in work zone crashes with the presence of speed enforcement. Pennsylvania Governor […]

New: NHTSA-FHWA Guide on Speed Safety Cameras

Excerpt of cover of NHTSA FHWA Speed Safety Camera Guide January 2023

FHWA and NHTSA recently published an updated Speed Safety Camera Program Planning and Operations Guide. This update emphasizes speed safety cameras (previously known as automated speed enforcement, photo enforcement or photo radar) as a component of a comprehensive speed management program, integrating equity and transparency throughout program planning, operations, and evaluation. Speed safety cameras can be an […]

Maryland Traffic Slows Down Following Anti-Speeding Effort

Cover from powerpoint presentation titled A Speed Management Pilot Program in Bishopville Maryland

At the AASHTO Committee on Safety Meeting in April 2022, Tim Kerns and Vivian Berra Figuereo of the Maryland Department of Transportation reported on a speed management demonstration project in Bishopville, Maryland. The project was funded by a grant from GHSA, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), and the National Road Safety Foundation (NRSF). The project combined enforcement, engineering, and public outreach, resulting in a 9% decrease in average speeds. During […]

New Zealand Speed Management Guide

Screenshot of the New Zealand Transport Agency resources webpage featuring the Speed management guide: Road to Zero edition

At the 2023 TRB Annual Meeting in January, Shane Turner presented to the ACS10 Transportation Safety Management Systems committee, informing them of New Zealand and Australia’s approach to speed management. Dr. Turner, the Technical Director for Safe Systems at Abley (a transportation planning and engineering firm based in New Zealand), discussed updates to the guide […]