TZD > Background
The Evolution of Toward Zero Deaths
In 2009, multiple traffic safety stakeholders began the dialogue toward creating a national strategic highway safety plan at a workshop in Savannah, Georgia. The majority of participants expressed that there should be a highway safety vision to which the nation aspires, even if at that point in the process it was not clear how or when it could be realized. This group concluded that the elimination of highway deaths is the appropriate goal, as even one death is unacceptable. With this input from over 70 workshop participants and further discussions with the Steering Committee following the workshop, the name of this effort became “Toward Zero Deaths: A National Strategy on Highway Safety.”
TZD's History
Determined the Need
NCHRP 17-51 Initiated
National TZD Steering Committee Formed
Named the effort, “Toward Zero Deaths: A National Strategy on Highway Safety”
White Papers Examining Highway Safety Issues Developed
Steering Committee hosted stakeholder webinars
Highway Safety Stakeholder Workshop Conducted
Interviews with States and Stakeholders
Project Team Hosts Second Series of Stakeholder Webinars
Workshop for Review of Draft Framework
Launch Framework
AASHTO Resolution
TZD > White Paper Downloads
White papers examining highway safety issues developed
Paper 1
Future View
Paper 2
Safety Culture
Paper 3
Safer Drivers
Paper 4
Safer Vehicles
Paper 5
Vulnerable Users
Paper 6
Paper 7
Paper 8
Data Systems and Analysis Tools
Paper 9
Lessons Learned
TZD > Webinar Downloads
Overview of the TZD Initiative and Safety Culture
One page introduction to Safety Culture
Safer Infrastructure
Safer Vehicles
Road User Safety

Decade of Action
Tragic deaths and the misery and grief they cause are not inevitable. They can be prevented, if measures are taken by governments, police, health practitioners and all road users to improve safety.
The United Nations General Assembly introduced the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020 and set the goal for the decade: “to stabilize and then reduce the forecast level of road traffic fatalities around the world” by 2020.
Millions of deaths could potentially be prevented as a result.
To support the Decade of Action goal, transportation leaders in the United States created the National Strategy on Highway Safety and the Toward Zero Deaths approach.