Implementing the National Strategy
Road Map to Implementation
Congratulations on joining the cause to move our nation Toward Zero Deaths (TZD). As a partner, you have access to great resources to help you along the way. The TZD Road Map to Implementation provides all the materials needed to get started.
Developed under NCHRP 17-64, Guidance for the Implementation of the Toward Zero Deaths National Strategy on Highway Safety, the Road Map is a framework for implementing the TZD National Strategy at state and local levels. The Road Map offers implementation guidance and a checklist of short- and long-term action steps. Also included with each element are highlighted examples of how some agencies are putting TZD into practice. These examples can be adopted or used to spark new ideas.
Road Map tools hosted on this site include the implementation guidance document (right), interactive assessment tools (below), engagement and implementation training videos and webinars (below), a guide to implementing the TZD Strategic Communication Plan, and templates for talking points and press materials.
How to Engage Others
Webinars - TZD Implementation Training

1. Resources and Tools for Implementing a Zero Fatality Goal Program

2. Vision and Goal Setting

3. Focused Safety Priorities and Strategies

4. Supporting Program Structure

5. Technical Assistance and Training

6. Key Partner Stakeholder Engagement and Communication

7. Leadership and Safety Culture

8. Implementation and Progress Monitoring

9. Working with Nontraditional Stakeholders

10. Engaging with Elected Officials