GHSA Adopts New Roadway Safety Priorities, Including Support of Lower State BAC Limits, Equity, Safe System Approach
At their annual meeting in September, the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) unanimously revamped its Policies and Priorities to tackle the rising fatalities and dangerous driving behaviors. The update champions a lower Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) limit, endorsing a shift from .08 to .05. GHSA also reaffirmed its focus on equity as a guiding principle […]
New case study on equity
The Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) in Arizona is transforming project prioritization and evaluation by incorporating equity into safety programs. See the new case study to learn how MAG is: Read the case study here
Navigating the Traffic Safety Topics of Safe System Approach, Equity in Traffic Safety, and Traffic Safety Culture
The Safe System Approach, Equity, and Traffic Safety Culture: These traffic safety topics underpin current approaches to traffic safety management. Each supports the vision of Toward Zero Deaths. A transportation system free of fatalities and serious injuries. That’s why we’ve added new sections to the TZD website to explore each topic. Safe System Approach (SSA): […]
Equity and Traffic Safety at Caltrans
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) began developing their groundwork for safety and equity to come together. Over the past two years, Caltrans has made strides forward in this goal, starting with establishing a new Division of Safety Programs to build California’s Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) on four safety-focused principles: Double Down on What Works Accelerate Advanced Technology […]
How Ohio DOT Advanced Equity in Traffic Safety with HSIP Funds
In Fall 2021, Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) adjusted its Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) process to include with equity components in scoring. Their HSIP process now integrates crash data with correlated U.S. Census data. Based on ODOT research, in Ohio, fatal and serious injury crashes are overrepresented by 9.8% within Census block groups that have a poverty rate (population with income […]
Equity and the Louisiana Safe Routes to Public Places Program
Louisiana DOTD recently added an equity component to its traffic safety Safe Routes project scoring criteria, with encouraging results.